From the agility competition. For such a little chubster, she really got some height! She looked happy and that's why I liked this photo. I bumped up the ISO (800-3200) to freeze the action at this indoor event. Some of my other shots were OK. I had trouble choosing one for the blog. My computer has been acting up these past few weeks, slowing down and crashing, so everything is taking forever. Sigh...It may be hardware related, but I hope not. Hope you all have a good week!
Three women with three different cameras; Pentax K20D--Nikon D300s--Canon 7D--52 weeks--one photo posted each week from each woman. Thank you for visiting our photography blog. We welcome your comments. Click on the photo to enlarge.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Week 4 by Judy

Saturday, June 25, 2011
Week 4 by Becky
My son came across this dead wasp. He put it in a cup of water and placed it in the fridge. I found it and figured it would make a great model. I did a variety of filters in Photoshop. Don't recall what anymore. Used natural window light and cropped it.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Week 3 by Robin
Gracie and Bugsy happily horsing around in the yard. They move fast, but it was sunny and it was easy to freeze the action. I had fun with the processing.
Week 3 by Becky
Came up with the idea that myself, Shella, and Tommy would do a family portrait for Tom, my husband and their father, for Fathers Day. They are my toughest models. They agreed since it was for their dad. I had everything set up so this would go smoothly since I know I have a short span with them. I evidently asked them to pose just one too many times and this is what happened. Needless to say, we were done after that. Seriously, they did fine; they just wanted to do a funny shot. I thought we were going to make faces, but right before the shutter they did this to me so it just fit with the theme of asking them to pose one too many.
Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Week 3 by Judy
In honor of my Dad, who passed away in 1999, and Father's Day this coming Sunday, this is a photo of some of the things that my Dad handcrafted out of wood. The items are a nightlight, made out of a discarded bowling pin, a bicycle, a bi-plane, and a little box in the shape of an apple. He made many more and different wooden items over the years. When I was a little girl I used to often sit in the garage and watch him make these things. I miss him.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Week 2 by Robin
I planted sunflowers here and there in my yard. I love sunflowers!! Only a few came up, some got weed-whacked by mistake and others didn't flower. I should have taken this shot when it was at its prime, but a withering flower has more emotion. I darkened the background, used Topaz, and Focal Point 2.
Week 2 by Becky

Monday, June 6, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Week 1 by Robin
Driving around Mormon land on Deer Park Road I captured these characters. Most cows seem curious when you point a camera at them. Because they were in shadow and I didn't want to flash them, they were a bit dark, so I used tone mapping and Topaz to lighten them up a bit so you can see their faces better. Moo!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Week 1 by Becky
I am in! WooHooo
Well I hope/plan to have my first photo today. Things go well I will have it uploaded by Sunday. I am really excited about this. Thanks Robin for getting this set up for our 52 photo a week project.
Friday, June 3, 2011
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