Sunday, July 10, 2011

Week 6 by Becky


Arrggh, I hate when I don't check my ISO. This photograph was shot with the ISO set to 2000. So it has more noise in it than I wanted. I still like the photo; I just hate that my ISO was set so high. I normally like to shoot around 200. Oh well, live and learn. Anyway, this was good practice for processing a photo with a lot of noise. This is my daughter who graciously posed for me for this week's blog. Normally, she isn't an easy model because she gets frustrated that I take so long to get a shot and I keep saying pose one more time. I am always wanting to get better at taking portrait shots so I thought no better time than now. Shot using available window light. Opened in Photoshop and messed around to achieve this trendy high contrast look. I followed Scott Kelby's photo tips on achieving this. Also played around with skin softening techniques. Not that she needed it, but it is nice how it came out.


  1. Wow! What a nice portrait!! You cannot see any grain so I don't think the high ISO on your Nikon is a problem. It's a great camera. A beautiful portrait of a beautiful young lady. I like how you posed her with a hat and bare shoulders. Her dreamy expression with a hint of sadness adds to the mood of the portrait. The lighting is lovely on her young skin and hopefully she likes the shot as much as we do! Your processing is wonderful!! I need to drag out some Scott Kelby books again. Congratulations on this portrait!

  2. This is just beautiful, Becky! You can't see the grain at all. You did a great job. You should enlarge this and get it framed. It's a lovely keepsake.
