Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 13 by Becky


For this blog, I had planned on taking a photo of some tree bark or fungus. I was going for an abstract feel this week when I came across this insect going to town trying to dig something out of a hole in the bark. The color of this insect caught my eye. The body is bright orange and the legs were black and white stripes, like stockings. It is the strangest looking insect. So I started taking some photos of it while it dug around in this hole. This is the last shot I took of this guy. He pulled this other insect out of the hole and started walking off with it. From the quick research I did, it looks like this is the nymph state of the Assassin Bug (aka Wheel bug). Great to have around gardens because it eats pests. Which I am thinking the bug it is eating is the bug that killed our pine tree.


  1. What a funny looking bug! How cool that you caught it catching its dinner. Nice macro with great bokeh!

  2. Ooo! What a moment! Good bug! Must be strong to pull that large thing out of a hole like that!
    Nice striped legs on this tree savior! Great capture!! The yellow bokeh is a very cool background! Good POV and focus!

  3. Wow, looks like an inmate, stripes on it's legs. Nice shot!!
