Went to Gatlinburg, TN to locate where Grotto Falls would be so we could hike to it another day. To get to Grotto Falls we had to take the Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail. Along the trail (via automobile) are pull offs to old log cabins. This one belonged to the Bale family. I can see why they picked this spot. It was absolutely beautiful. They must have been very small in stature because my head barely missed the top door frame. I am only 5'6". It's hard to believe ten people lived in this cabin. They must have been really close.
This was shot with my son's Nikon Coolpix S3000. Didn't have my Nikon D300s with me when we went on this exploratory drive. I processed this image using Lesson 12 in the "Scott Kelby's 7-Point System for Adobe Photoshop" book as a guide. Hope I did this cabin justice.